Friday, March 21, 2008

Number 9!

Well, I know I haven't blogged for a long, long time. This entry will sort of explain why. Not only has my family moved to Baton rouge to begin a new ministry at Parkview Baptist Church, but Gina and I have been expecting our ninth child. Sunday night our family was blessed with our fifth son, Silas Andrew Wimberly. Here are a few pictures of Silas.


Arnold Austin Jr said...

Felicidades! Que bueno es que Dios le has bendido a su familia tanto. En tiempo podré felictiarles personalmnete. --Arnold

COngratulations! How great it is that God has blessed your family so much. In time I will be able to congratulate ya'll personally. -- Arnold

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a name! I have one of my own now. His name is Benjamin Andrew. He is four months old and growing. What a joy they are!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What a wonderful addition to your already beautiful family!

We love you!